Streamline Your Web Stack While Reducing Operational Costs

Deploy Varnish Enterprise to offload traffic, reduce infrastructure expenses and ensure faster content delivery to larger audiences.

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Varnish Enterprise

Lower the Cost of Scaling Web Applications

Do traffic peaks and technical constraints make it difficult to deliver fast, scalable and cost-efficient digital experiences?

Varnish Enterprise HTTP caching software offloads traffic and enables faster access to content and data, helping your web service overcome the challenges of scale.

Improve performance. Achieve more cache hits and ensure faster, more reliable content delivery even under peak traffic conditions.

Reduce infrastructure costs. Decrease load on backend applications, in the cloud, on-premises and microservice environments.

Dos al Cubo decrease AWS costs by 30% with Varnish ->

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Get More From Your Tools

Reduce Backend CMS Requests with Dedicated Caching

Deploy Varnish Enterprise software in front of CMS providers like WordPress, Magento and Drupal to increase cache hit ratios and cache previously uncacheable content, significantly reducing backend requests.

Cache all kinds of HTTP responses, including HTML, dynamic content, JSONs and REST APIs, to minimize latency and avoid data transfer costs and database queries. By shielding applications with Varnish you also protect online revenue by avoiding downtime during peak traffic. 

Learn How

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“We immediately saw how every tweak translated to performance in real time. Nikon is really excited about how fast the site feels now.” 


Cindy Jeffus

Senior Manager, Internet Operations, Nikon

CDN Performance Enhancement

Varnish acts as a mediator between your backends and CDNs, improving synchronization, efficiency, and performance. It integrates with all major CDNs to serve as a content aggregator and defensive layer:


Increase Cache Hits

Cache more content and address gaps in CDN caching.


Minimize Backend Load

Consolidate cache misses to minimize backend requests.


Ensure Users See Up to Date Content

Coordinate cache invalidation for consistent performance.

Varnish for Kubernetes

Enhance Microservices

Incorporate Varnish clusters into your containerized environments to scale microservice-based web applications effectively. Sophisticated caching mechanisms increase the capacity of existing architectures and reduce the number of application pods needed during heavy load.

Varnish Enterprise’s cloud tooling includes:

  • Helm Charts: Deploy and manage Varnish seamlessly in Kubernetes environments.
  • K8s Clustering: Support replication, sharding, and dynamic DNS configurations.
  • S3 Support: Handle multiple IPs from a single S3 endpoint, minimizing error rates.
  • ActiveDNS: Adapt to changing DNS results to support dynamic backends.
  • Load Balancing: Apply different load balancing policies over static or dynamic backends to optimize performance.
  • Enhanced Caching Capabilities: POST and GraphQL caching to improve cache hit rates and reduce latency.
  • Observability: Granular metrics and statistics with output to Prometheus.

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Origin Shield

Protect and Scale Your Web Services

Varnish insulates origin servers from the effects traffic load, helping you reduce backend connections, scale in pods and reduce cluster node requirements without sacrificing performance.

Higher Cache Hit Rates. Cache a wide variety of data types, including secure transactions and dynamic content.

Combine Backend Requests. Increase capacity for concurrent users by combining multiple cache misses into a single backend request.

Avoid Rebuilding the Cache. Persist the cache’s memory following outages or restarts.

How NowCom reduced cloud costs by 15x ->

Origin Shield


Enterprise Features

Built for the Internet’s Demands

Persistent Cache

Economical storage for large objects and datasets, ensuring pods do not lose value or require rebuild after restart.


Soft Purge

Fetch content asynchronously to serve stale objects during updates, enhancing user experience.


Set Short TTLs

Deliver up-to-date content within regulatory timeframes, reducing costly backend revalidation.


Client-Side Personalization

Dynamic page assembly, plus deconstruction of authenticated data into JSON format to make components reusable and boost cache efficiency.


Smart Invalidation

Utilize request-based invalidation or encode dynamic content versions in unique URLs to prevent unnecessary cache purges and handle content variants.


Stale Content

Serve stale content in case of backend errors.


Key-based Purge

Purge by paths, headers, or cache keys to update specific content and its variants efficiently with each change.


SSL/TLS Termination

Offload encryption to speed up content delivery while enhancing security.



How Varnish Works

Success Stories

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Varnish Enterprise helped CBC secure huge performance and reliability gains while lowering CAPEX and OPEX by 30% and reducing infrastructure needs.

“The CBC website could not do without it.” – Massimo Mollica, Manager, CBC/Radio-Canada


Future Case Study Banner

Future Publishing

The publishing powerhouse uses Varnish to ensure high availability and scalability, overcome Fastly outages and slash downtime.

"When Fastly goes down, we can just swing everything to London and serve content directly from Varnish Enterprise." - Toby Jackson, Global SRE Lead, Future

Intersport Banner


With Varnish Enterprise, the retailer could handle traffic spikes, deliver fast page loads and ensure good user experience. 

"Varnish offers the ability to adopt a flexible and configurable cache strategy managed by our internal devops team. Other tools don’t make it as easy to change." -Michael Alimi, CTO, Intersport

See all case studies

Why Varnish Stands Out

Performance Under Pressure

Under extreme traffic conditions, where other solutions falter with dropped connections and latency spikes, Varnish is robust and reliable. Offering high concurrency, throughput, and stability, it is ideal for demanding applications.


The Privacy of a Dedicated Solution

Deploy Varnish Enterprise on dedicated infrastructure, tailored to unique requirements, whether in the cloud, in containers, or on-premise. 


Power Multiple Use Cases

Varnish is a comprehensive tool that integrates caching, security, load balancing, API gateway functionality, observability, and high availability into a single robust platform.

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Integrated Edge Compute

Adaptive Real-Time Cache Controls

Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) provides precise control over caching behaviors and object management, allowing for content manipulation directly in the cache without performance loss. This capability moves critical application logic closer to your users, enabling innovation and building more responsive, secure web experiences.

Execute Code at the Edge: Manage request handling, routing, caching, and access controls effectively. Build tailored user experiences, reduce load times, and ensure security with complete visibility into caching performance.

VCL Deep Dive


“Within three months, we have already saved at least one work week because Varnish Enterprise has not failed once.”


Toby Jackson


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