Tutorial Tags: vcl
Creating an AWS S3 shield with Varnish Enterprise
How to accelerate AWS S3 delivery and reduce AWS egress charges with an S3 shield powered by Varnish Enterprise.
Frequently asked questions about SELinux and Varnish Enterprise
Reducing Video Startup Time using CMSD
Optimize VST for video-on-demand by ensuring startup objects are served from the edge cache
Securing multi-tier Varnish environments
How to make sure certain Varnish tiers are only accessible by other Varnish tiers.
Solutions and use cases
This tutorial shows how to configure Varnish for different use cases.
VSL cheatsheet
varnishlog, varnishncsa and ready-to-use VSL queries
DNS based GSLB (Global Server Load Balancer)
This tutorial shows how PowerDNS can be configured as a Global Server Load Balancer in front of a geographically distributed cluster of Varnish nodes.
Caching authenticated Artifactory requests with Varnish Enterprise
Caching authenticated Artifactory requests with Varnish Enterprise using pre-flight authorization requests
Mixed content and ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS errors in WordPress when using Varnish
Fixing mixed content issues and avoiding the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error in WordPress when using Varnish.
Removing cookies in Varnish
How to remove cookies in Varnish
Bypassing the cache for specific URL patterns
How to bypass the cache for specific URLs and URL patterns in Varnish
Performing HTTP redirections in Varnish
Trigger vcl_synth and use a synthetic HTTP response to perform a HTTP redirections in Varnish
Using multiple backends in Varnish
Using multiple backends in Varnish
Banning content from Varnish
Use Varnish's ban mechanism to remove cached objects from the cache.
Purging content from Varnish
Use the purge return action in VCL to remove cached objects from the Varnish cache.
Configuring Varnish for Drupal
Configuring Varnish for Drupal
Configuring Varnish for Magento
Configuring Varnish for Magento
Configuring Varnish for WordPress
Configuring Varnish for WordPress
Example VCL template
An example VCL template for Varnish
Caching POST requests in Varnish
Learn how to cache POST requests with Varnish
Configuring systemd services
Managing the configuration of systemd services
Logging cache hits and misses
Logging cache hits and misses by tracking the request type (hit, miss, pass, pipe, synth, or hitmiss) in a custom x-cache request header
Avoiding HTTP to HTTPS redirect loops in Varnish
How to avoid HTTP to HTTPS redirect loops in Varnish by creating protocol-based cached variations.
Configuring Varnish for Adobe Experience Manager
Configuring Varnish for Adobe Experience Manager.
Configuring Varnish for ExpressionEngine
Configuring Varnish for ExpressionEngine.
Varnish Configuration Language (VCL)
The Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) is a domain-specific programming language used by Varnish to control request handling, routing, caching, and several other aspects.
Load a synthetic output template from a file
Load the VCL output template for vcl_synth and vcl_backend_error from a file.
Varnish built-in VCL
Learn about Varnish's default behavior by looking at the various subroutines that are part of the built-in VCL.
Using basic authentication in VCL backend probes
When your backend requires authorized access via basic authentication, you need to configure the health probe for your backend in VCL to support basic authentication.
Cache invalidation
How to invalidate and purge your cache